The Raw Truth About Healthy Eating

13 09 2016

In thinking about a blog post for the week, I came across this one this morning….it speaks the truth about the value and work that goes into healthy eating, and why we should embrace the time and effort that it takes to treasure and treat ourselves right. There are noCathy head shot short cuts, there are no quick fixes. As this writer so eloquently states, “Healthy eating is a value, not a trend. It takes time, patience and practice, and a pinch of dedication to master it.” Healthy eating is a way of life, not a temporary state. And cooking is an investment in your health and the health of your family. As Michael Pollan has said, “Cooking is the single most important thing we could do as a family to improve our health and general well being.” Thanks to Simplicious Food for the inspiration today. Take a peek and savor this taste of “The Raw Truth About Healthy Eating”…

simplicious food

Spoiler alert: There is no shortcut to healthy eating

In today’s faced-paced society we are constantly in pursuit of the elusive dieting quick fix. Every year new fad diets emerge, with each one promising to be next health or weight loss solution. Yet, obesity rates and other diet-related chronic diseases continue to soar, and fad diets continue to fall flat on their promises. So rather than chasing our tails with unsustainable diets, let’s step back and have a frank conversation about what the path to healthy eating really looks like. I’m going to share with you the not-so-sexy, but raw truth behind healthy eating that not everyone wants to hear, but needs to accept and embrace.

I’m going to share with you the not-so-sexy, but raw truth behind healthy eating that not everyone wants to hear, but needs to accept and embrace.

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